About Us
De Asia Dreams Care Solution (DADCS), was established on 28th August 2014 under the Companies Commission of Malaysia. DADCS is a new company that has a dynamic organization with a global reach and an international perspective.
DADCS is a fully indigenous owned incorporated company paid for a sum of USD 150,000,00 with a permitted capital of USD 300,000,00. The company is lead and founded by experienced, knowledgeable businessmen whom are very competent and skillful in numerous fields to form an excellent and comprehensive corporate management to achieve the company’s goals and objectives.
For a long period of time, it has been a known fact to the public that the largest group of consumers in Malaysia is the Muslim community. Ironically, majority of businesses and economic fields in the country are not owned by the Muslim community. Hence, DADCS networks are formed to open up opportunities for its members to start their own businesses with a small scale capital with a hope that they will eventually manage to contribute to the country’s economy.
Apart from that, the members whom are actively involved in DADCS’s networking are able to improve their economic status. This coincides with a Hadith of the Prophet PBUH (peace be upon Him) , “ 9 out of 10 sources of income are from business”. DADCS highly encourages its members to involve in any types of business regardless they are small scale businesses, or whether they are joining in it part timely or full time.
After achieving success in their business regardless they are huge or little via the DADCS networks, the members can contribute to their families and societies by inviting them to take part in this program as well as donating to the relief fund provided by the company.
We all hope that our sincere intention and contribution will help to boost up the economic stability and standard of living of the Ummah.
Our Factory
De Asia Dreams Care Solution has build up a factory under the name of De Asia Manufactory which is located at the Alam Jaya industrial areas, Bandar Puncak Alam, Selangor. The factory is a center of the production of De Asia brand premixed coffee, other brands produced in the OEM manner and functions as a warehouse that stores and distributes all DADCS’s products.
The factory is well equipped with various facilities and high end machines aim to achieve GMP certification. Experienced and talented human resources are hired in all level and process of production. Besides that, the factory is also equipped with facilities for development and quality improvement for existing products as well as products that have potential value to be marketed.
Raw materials and packaging have been strictly filtered to ensure the cleanliness, quality and freshness of each and every one products produced in the factory.
he company has assigned the Quality Control (QC) to ensure all processed products will have consistent quality and to make sure all the products are distributed to gain profit.
The aim of the formation of DADCS is clear. Its fundamental goal is to run any form of business activities for the betterment of its members. Its corporate goal is to operate a viable and innovative business, to promote products development, and to own shares in the De Asia Solution as well as to uphold the vision of promoting Halal products to international level.
To ensure all the products made by the company comply with the GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) standard and are Halal certified, to become a world class, research based, nutraseutical company, that produces natural and premium quality products as desired by the customers.
To apply the most high end and advanced technology combining with good manufacturing practices standard for research, development and manufacturing.
To combine good values and aspiration within a good, innovative and constructive working environment.
To become a premixed coffee production center which is recognized internationally, with an Islamic environment and to promote sells to the global market.
Our Product

De Asia White Cofee
• Reduce high blood pressure
• Contain antioxidant that helps to fight againts cancer
• Prevents heart diseases
• Prevents diabetes and stroke

De Asia Women Drink
De Asia Women Drink is specially formulated for women to aid in improving their internal system so they can live a better, helathier and cheerful life. With a great taste and aroma, it can attract all especially tennagers to try the products and consume them regularly.

De Asia Detox
• Burn and remove excess fat
• Build systems and repair organs in the body
• Healthy and refreshing
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